Flash Renamer v6.81 Download + Serial / Activation – batch file renaming software

Flash Renamer v6.81 Download


Flash Renamer software is a powerful tool for batch renaming multiple files. This software is a fast tool to manage the collection of files such as digital photos , MP3s, movies and …. Using this software, you can arrange your files in uppercase and lowercase and combine numbers. You can also change the date of creation or changes as well as the attribute of the file types and extract and change the ID3 tag of MP3 files.

Key Features

  • Fast as lightning! Renames thousands of files in a matter of seconds
  • Set casing to UPPER CASE, lower case or First Letter Case
  • Rename Mp3s using their tags and properties
  • Read data from jpeg Exif tags. Excellent for digital camera users
  • Search and replace strings within filenames
  • Set or clear file attributes, such as ‘read only’ and ‘hidden’
  • Set date & time using various sources, such as image Exif date
  • Add or Remove strings from specified positions
  • Add counters to files that are related, such as photo sessions
  • Extract meta-data from media
  • Works on files, folder and sub-folders
  • Easily manage your photo collection by using the thumbnail mode
  • Add zeros to numbers to make files sort correctly in every situation
  • Re-order parts within filenames the way you want it
  • Context menus allows you to quickly launch FR when you need it


File Parameters Parameter Values
File name Flash.Renamer.v6.81.7z
File Size 3.88MB
Download link Flash.Renamer.v6.81.7z

Installation Guide

  1. Install the software.
  2. Register the software using the following serial:
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