Proteus Professional v8.10 SP3 Build 29560 Download + Pre-Activation

Proteus Professional v8.10 SP3 Build 29560

Proteus Professional v8.10 SP3 Build 29560 Download


Proteus Professional is software for automatic design of electrical circuits. Proteus is a set of circuit simulation systems based on PSpice electrical component models. One of the distinctive features of Proteus Professional is the possibility of modeling from programmable devices such as microcontrollers, microprocessors, DSP, etc. This program includes models of most electronic components for specialized simulations based on standards in this field. Most advanced circuit routing modes can be designed with this software, thus increasing the ability to simulate micro-controllers. In fact, Proteus Professional is one of the most popular software in the field of simulation and testing of electronic circuits. In this software, you can test your circuit as an operation and design a pcb for it after fixing possible problems.

Key Features

  • Electronic circuit design
  • Includes tools for professional design
  • Programmable device modeling
  • Advanced routing design
  • Save time and money on circuit design
  • Simulation of microcontroller circuits at a very professional level O
  • having all the elements of actual measurements such as oscilloscope, function generator, voltmeter, ammeter, etc.
  • You can add book houses of Qdtmnd and Darar of electronic components
  • Ability to design pcb circuit simulation without the need for Change circuit
  • the ability to debug programs and run them line by line in the microcontroller


File Parameters Parameter Values
File name Proteus 8.10 SP3 Pro.exe
File Size 397MB
File format EXE Installer
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Download link Proteus 8.10 SP3 Pro.exe

Installation Guide

  1. To use the software, just install it and then run it.

  2. The software is pre-activated and does not need to be cracked / registered.

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